Let me start off by saying I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints. I LOVE my church, so much in fact I could die for it.
Alright back to the story now, as lots of people now know, I am quitting work at Seven Peaks this Saturday, everyone keeps asking in shock "Why?! You Love it there!" Truly I do, I love everything about it, I love the people, I love the food, I love the pool, I get a Pass of All Passes, I just love everything there!
See the thing is though, it is super stressful there, like for example some people don't rotate on time, and you get left out for who knows how long! You are audited at least 6-7 times a week with questions, shadows, caps, and CPR. You cap out at about 6,000-7,000 patrons a day, I have to work EVERYDAY so I peak out at about 40 hours a week, the pay starts out a 6.75, I want a life, and at the end of every day even my girlfriend has began to realize I am grumpy. I didn't know until the other night, but I found out last night it was because of Seven Peaks.
Yesterday when I got in to work I was questioned by one of the supervisors why I was quitting, she is the person you talk with to schedule. I replied "I just want time to myself and I never really get that." She then told me "You don't have to work every day you know, only like 22 hours a week." Wow, really? No, no one ever told me that. So yesterday I was in confusion if I wanted to stay but I knew by the end of the day I didn't because I could see how grumpy I was getting, even with the patrons.
Now, the real reason I am quitting is because what I have been doing for the past couple days, I have been praying about it. I try to be a real religious guy and sometimes that is really hard! This week I have felt like I have done pretty good with that though. I started praying about it Monday night, and I couldn't tell if it really was an answer to quit and just work at T-ville (one of the other pools I work at) While praying I asked "What is going to help me have a better Summer?" and I felt an answer to quit. So I was planning on the next day to tell my boss I was resigning. (Here is the cool part) I was working the Lazy River and I was wondering to myself if I really wanted to, (this is Tuesday by the way) and so I decided to pray about it again. I knew just because it was so loud there, there was no way I was going to be able to feel or here a still small voice, so I asked Heavenly Father to have someone say yes with in the next 30 seconds if that's what I should do, so I kept on walking the side of the pool until I came upon a little child who was crying. I stopped and keeled down to ask him if he was okay, he then stopped crying and then nodded his head, and then sat there until his mother came around the corner. Wow, it took me a couple minutes of pondering to realize that this was my answer! It was so crazy to think that, that could be an answer from my Heavenly Father above, that he could take all the time in the Universe just to do this for me. After I was told yesterday about the hours change I started doubting the answer. So I had to make sure about it and pray about it Again. I threw in everything I loved and hate about it, the new things I understood and after sitting and waiting for an answer in my dark and quiet room. I still felt like I should quit this Saturday. So that is my final decision I will be quitting Seven Peaks on Saturday.
I just want to end this post by saying, I know my Heavenly Father knows me personally and takes the time to bless me and hear my prayers. I love him with all my heart and I could do anything for him.