Shoot, its been awhile since I have written anything. Well, what can I say right now? Life isn't bad, so I guess that means its good? Yeah, we'll go with that. I have no complaints! I have a job as a life guard still at Murray, I am interning for Swensen Photography, there is a Beautiful girl who I think is just the cutest thing, and I am still Mormon. What more can I ask for?
I guess since the last time I wrote there have been a lot of things that have happened. I don't even know where to start, I lost my grandma about a month ago, I have messed relationships up with friends, I am not on the swim team anymore, I have done a bunch of photo shoots, I miss how life use to be, there is lots that has happened, but life is getting better everyday.
Last weekend was Black Friday, and can I say it was the most fun I have ever had on a black friday ever? Not that I have only been out for two black fridays or anything... I started out by going to Target with my exchange student Erik and another exchange student named Jesper. We stood in line for two hours from Seven until the store opened at Nine. When it opened I had Jesper run and get a keyboard that turned out to be really dumb, while Erik and I ran to the xboxs, as we were running we got a cart, and the people in front of us where the xbox bundles were grabbed like 15 of them and ran off, so Erik and I grabbed five, and in the end we sold two of them in the store and got 35 bucks after all the other xboxs were already taken. Then we gave the other three away cause we wanted to get out of there before the lines made it to crazy to weeve through and get out of the store! So after that we ended hooking up with Cami and Niccole, and we took off over to Fashion Place mall and stood in line from Ten until Midnight, then as the clock struck Twelve, all hell broke lose and everyone ran in the mall. (Mostly H&M) and then we all parted ways until we met up later after our first stores, and we stopped at Panda at 2 AM and sat down for the next hour and a half, and just talked. Then we all went home and slept the rest of the morning!
Pretty much it was a great weekend! I ended up buying Halo 4 the next morning for like 37.50 each for two copies. One for me and one for my brother Brandon. When I found out that I could have bought them for 30.00 each at Target... I didn't even think about looking there!!! Ugh. Oh well, it was still better then 60.00 each!
Well, that is catching up on my life a little more, I will hopefully start blogging a little more often, because I literally just forget all the time... But I think its lots of fun!
Well, catch ya later.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Rough Times
For those of you who read this; here is my statement. Life can be very tough, yes, even for me. Some People believe that I am the happiest kid alive. Well, I will admit that I sure do try! But even when I do try, something's still get me down. It's been a rough month. It's almost been a month and a half now that I think about it.
Back on July 21st the girl I was absolutely in Love with, decided to break up with me. I'm not saying this was a good or bad thing because I myself still haven't figured it out yet. One thing I will say now is that, even now, when she is not my girlfriend anymore she is still on my mind all the time.
I have realized today that it is time that I start to let go even more, it is way to easy to get frustrated and mad in this life on earth. I haven't ever stopped her tweets from coming to my phone since she broke up with me, so when something about me came up I would know and I could see what was going on in her life since she won't talk to me now. Here is the thing though, that sentence I said above here where I said "it's to easy to get frustrated and mad" yeah, we'll its true! Last week on Sunday I heard so many things about forgiveness I felt I was being told by God that I needed to forgive someone in my life. I say there and thought about it and I realized this person must be her, the girl who will never leave my thoughts, the girl who I fell I'm love with, the girl I told myself that I would stop loving, the girl who I am still in Love with.
So when I figured this out, I sent her a text stating the fact that I was forgiving her, I didn't get a reply. I was sad at this fact, but why should I get a reply? Why would that one text be any different from the rest? Why would she choose to text me now? Well that's the thing, she didn't. I guess I was just hoping she would say something like, she would forgive me, so that way I could see her name show up on my phone one more time. It never did happen though.
Today I was asked by a close friend of hers if I was mad at her, I told her I wasn't because thinking to myself I forgave her. She told me "that's not what it seems to sound like on twitter" i sat there thinking to myself; "wow, she is right." even though people have told me she has been mean to me on twitter and what not, it's not like I have been any better. So, I figured out a solution, that I would finally stop her tweets coming to my phone, as hard as it will be not seeing anything from her anymore. It will be better, I won't get so frustrated I hope.
I tell myself that I am over her. I honestly don't know though, am I? I mean, she is in my thoughts at least 80% of the day, I wonder what she thinks of me in the halls now that school starts, she is the person that I wonder if she even notices me at school now. It kills me to know I won't be able to talk to her, i miss the great friendship we once had.
She once told me "it's better if we break up to save our friendship, then to stay together and let it be killed." but you know either way, I feel it was a lose lose situation for me. Because I lost her friendship and it was killed. There is nothing left.
The only thing I can do, is hope she will talk to someone who I am standing close to me, just so I can hear her voice again. I miss hearing her laugh, it was something that brightened my day always.
She once got mad at me for posting stuff on social media websites she doesn't have, so if she reads this, i sure hope she will forgive me for doing it again, because this is my way to getting feelings out. I hate it when people see me sad in real life, that's why I fake things really well now days. It took a lot of practice sophomore year, when I lost some dearly close friends of mine.
This is about all I have for this post though, it is time to go to bed and get ready for day two of school. Goodnight those of you who will read this.
Back on July 21st the girl I was absolutely in Love with, decided to break up with me. I'm not saying this was a good or bad thing because I myself still haven't figured it out yet. One thing I will say now is that, even now, when she is not my girlfriend anymore she is still on my mind all the time.
I have realized today that it is time that I start to let go even more, it is way to easy to get frustrated and mad in this life on earth. I haven't ever stopped her tweets from coming to my phone since she broke up with me, so when something about me came up I would know and I could see what was going on in her life since she won't talk to me now. Here is the thing though, that sentence I said above here where I said "it's to easy to get frustrated and mad" yeah, we'll its true! Last week on Sunday I heard so many things about forgiveness I felt I was being told by God that I needed to forgive someone in my life. I say there and thought about it and I realized this person must be her, the girl who will never leave my thoughts, the girl who I fell I'm love with, the girl I told myself that I would stop loving, the girl who I am still in Love with.
So when I figured this out, I sent her a text stating the fact that I was forgiving her, I didn't get a reply. I was sad at this fact, but why should I get a reply? Why would that one text be any different from the rest? Why would she choose to text me now? Well that's the thing, she didn't. I guess I was just hoping she would say something like, she would forgive me, so that way I could see her name show up on my phone one more time. It never did happen though.
Today I was asked by a close friend of hers if I was mad at her, I told her I wasn't because thinking to myself I forgave her. She told me "that's not what it seems to sound like on twitter" i sat there thinking to myself; "wow, she is right." even though people have told me she has been mean to me on twitter and what not, it's not like I have been any better. So, I figured out a solution, that I would finally stop her tweets coming to my phone, as hard as it will be not seeing anything from her anymore. It will be better, I won't get so frustrated I hope.
I tell myself that I am over her. I honestly don't know though, am I? I mean, she is in my thoughts at least 80% of the day, I wonder what she thinks of me in the halls now that school starts, she is the person that I wonder if she even notices me at school now. It kills me to know I won't be able to talk to her, i miss the great friendship we once had.
She once told me "it's better if we break up to save our friendship, then to stay together and let it be killed." but you know either way, I feel it was a lose lose situation for me. Because I lost her friendship and it was killed. There is nothing left.
The only thing I can do, is hope she will talk to someone who I am standing close to me, just so I can hear her voice again. I miss hearing her laugh, it was something that brightened my day always.
She once got mad at me for posting stuff on social media websites she doesn't have, so if she reads this, i sure hope she will forgive me for doing it again, because this is my way to getting feelings out. I hate it when people see me sad in real life, that's why I fake things really well now days. It took a lot of practice sophomore year, when I lost some dearly close friends of mine.
This is about all I have for this post though, it is time to go to bed and get ready for day two of school. Goodnight those of you who will read this.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Amazon is a freakin wonderful thing!
I am not talking about this. ^^
But this ^^
I just bought $870ish worth of stuff today! I decided it has been 3 years since I have had an ipod, so I just bought a new itouch 32 gig that is the 4th gen and white! Then I bought some Camera stuff for my photography stuff, I was just planning on buying an external flash today, but then after I saw I deal I just couldn't resist! I bought the Canon 600ex-rt flash which is their latest model of external flashes and then on the other side, I bought 2 new batteries, a clicker for taking pictures away from the camera, and then a lens hood for the lens I usually use for the all the photo shoots I do! So let's hope it works great, cause I just went on a Shopping Spree...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
A Small and Simple Answer
Let me start off by saying I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints. I LOVE my church, so much in fact I could die for it.
Alright back to the story now, as lots of people now know, I am quitting work at Seven Peaks this Saturday, everyone keeps asking in shock "Why?! You Love it there!" Truly I do, I love everything about it, I love the people, I love the food, I love the pool, I get a Pass of All Passes, I just love everything there!
See the thing is though, it is super stressful there, like for example some people don't rotate on time, and you get left out for who knows how long! You are audited at least 6-7 times a week with questions, shadows, caps, and CPR. You cap out at about 6,000-7,000 patrons a day, I have to work EVERYDAY so I peak out at about 40 hours a week, the pay starts out a 6.75, I want a life, and at the end of every day even my girlfriend has began to realize I am grumpy. I didn't know until the other night, but I found out last night it was because of Seven Peaks.
Yesterday when I got in to work I was questioned by one of the supervisors why I was quitting, she is the person you talk with to schedule. I replied "I just want time to myself and I never really get that." She then told me "You don't have to work every day you know, only like 22 hours a week." Wow, really? No, no one ever told me that. So yesterday I was in confusion if I wanted to stay but I knew by the end of the day I didn't because I could see how grumpy I was getting, even with the patrons.
Now, the real reason I am quitting is because what I have been doing for the past couple days, I have been praying about it. I try to be a real religious guy and sometimes that is really hard! This week I have felt like I have done pretty good with that though. I started praying about it Monday night, and I couldn't tell if it really was an answer to quit and just work at T-ville (one of the other pools I work at) While praying I asked "What is going to help me have a better Summer?" and I felt an answer to quit. So I was planning on the next day to tell my boss I was resigning. (Here is the cool part) I was working the Lazy River and I was wondering to myself if I really wanted to, (this is Tuesday by the way) and so I decided to pray about it again. I knew just because it was so loud there, there was no way I was going to be able to feel or here a still small voice, so I asked Heavenly Father to have someone say yes with in the next 30 seconds if that's what I should do, so I kept on walking the side of the pool until I came upon a little child who was crying. I stopped and keeled down to ask him if he was okay, he then stopped crying and then nodded his head, and then sat there until his mother came around the corner. Wow, it took me a couple minutes of pondering to realize that this was my answer! It was so crazy to think that, that could be an answer from my Heavenly Father above, that he could take all the time in the Universe just to do this for me. After I was told yesterday about the hours change I started doubting the answer. So I had to make sure about it and pray about it Again. I threw in everything I loved and hate about it, the new things I understood and after sitting and waiting for an answer in my dark and quiet room. I still felt like I should quit this Saturday. So that is my final decision I will be quitting Seven Peaks on Saturday.
I just want to end this post by saying, I know my Heavenly Father knows me personally and takes the time to bless me and hear my prayers. I love him with all my heart and I could do anything for him.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
New Mission Status
Wow, life is crazy these days. People I guess are realizing now that the world is soon coming to an end. Obviously it won't be December 21, 2012. There are many reasons why that theory is wrong, but that is a story for another day.
I will one day be going on a Mission for my church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is pretty soon, I am down to less then a year and a half when I am 19 (Mission Age). So some things I do to try and get ready for my mission are; Read the Book of Mormon, go to church weekly, go to the Temple when I feel I am worthy enough, and last but not least I go out with the Missionaries who are in my stake now quite often and help them teach lessons!
Something new about the mission they are in now is though, exactly one week from today it will be totally different. I among a couple other thousand people will be apart of a new mission, but not any mission. The Smallest mission for the LDS church in the world! Pretty cool huh? It will consist of Murray, Midvale, and... Taylorsville? I can't remember the third city but I do know it is Murray and Midvale for sure! Here is the crazy thing, we go from having two missionaries in my stake to six! Ah! That is weird! I didn't think we had that many baptisms for that to happen! Apparently I was wrong, and we do, but now it's time for the Active members to take part of the Mission. We can't just sit here and waste the Missionaries time and let them come and have no one to teach. "Boy, mom the mission is great! I just sit here and study the Book of Mormon, because we have absolutely NO one to teach!" No! That will not happen, I am going to step up and try and be a better missionary myself! There are some people in my ward who are not members/ less active members. Well I have started my mission today! I am planning on asking one of my fellow priesthood companions to come with me to his best friends house and invite him to come to church on Sunday! Hopefully he will say yes! Then there is a friendly old couple across the street from me who I believe are baptist, they are so nice! The man is an author well he wrote one book at least, and we got it for Christmas a couple years back. Apparently it is quite hard to read my mom says. So, I have decided to take on the challenge today (even though I am not big on reading) and I am going to read this book in the next month or so, so that sometime I can bring it up and strike a conversation! Maybe get into a little bit of religion talk? Who knows. I am just excited to start and help the work of the Lord.
I will one day be going on a Mission for my church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is pretty soon, I am down to less then a year and a half when I am 19 (Mission Age). So some things I do to try and get ready for my mission are; Read the Book of Mormon, go to church weekly, go to the Temple when I feel I am worthy enough, and last but not least I go out with the Missionaries who are in my stake now quite often and help them teach lessons!
Something new about the mission they are in now is though, exactly one week from today it will be totally different. I among a couple other thousand people will be apart of a new mission, but not any mission. The Smallest mission for the LDS church in the world! Pretty cool huh? It will consist of Murray, Midvale, and... Taylorsville? I can't remember the third city but I do know it is Murray and Midvale for sure! Here is the crazy thing, we go from having two missionaries in my stake to six! Ah! That is weird! I didn't think we had that many baptisms for that to happen! Apparently I was wrong, and we do, but now it's time for the Active members to take part of the Mission. We can't just sit here and waste the Missionaries time and let them come and have no one to teach. "Boy, mom the mission is great! I just sit here and study the Book of Mormon, because we have absolutely NO one to teach!" No! That will not happen, I am going to step up and try and be a better missionary myself! There are some people in my ward who are not members/ less active members. Well I have started my mission today! I am planning on asking one of my fellow priesthood companions to come with me to his best friends house and invite him to come to church on Sunday! Hopefully he will say yes! Then there is a friendly old couple across the street from me who I believe are baptist, they are so nice! The man is an author well he wrote one book at least, and we got it for Christmas a couple years back. Apparently it is quite hard to read my mom says. So, I have decided to take on the challenge today (even though I am not big on reading) and I am going to read this book in the next month or so, so that sometime I can bring it up and strike a conversation! Maybe get into a little bit of religion talk? Who knows. I am just excited to start and help the work of the Lord.
I took this picture of the temple last year for Mother's Day.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Being a Life Guard

30 but in reality it goes like 16-60 since we have one really really old guy who guards there. Now, on word to the tough job. If I would have worked at Seven Peaks Provo life would have been like ten thousand times easier other then that fact my pay checks would have all been going to the gas driving down there... They get to live the dream other then the fact that my brother (an EMT down at Provo) says that most of the guards he wants to kill or they aren't really that good of a guard. Now, you get to Salt Lake, we may not peak out as high as the patrons Provo gets but we still get at least 6,000-7,000 every day, Provo peaks out around 10,000. Anyway the way we do things is so much harder! Provo has about 40 more guards then we do, so they get to live the dream life, and it's all super easy! Us? No not so much we have about 70-80 guards I might be off a little but that's about where we are at. Anyways it's to the point that we only get 4 days off the entire summer, this basically is a full time job for me now... GAH! I work like 30-40 hours a week! I would be fine with that except people don't like to rotate correctly if you are a shallow guard. (Hold it, let me explain Shallow and Deep Guards. Shallow guards pretty much run the slides and kiddie pools, deep guards run the wave pool and Monsoon Lagoon ((a pool that you can dive and stuff drop you in))) When ever I am a shallow guard I am ALWAYS stuck on some spot for longer than the rotation should be, take the very first day. If I would have been rotated on time I would have been perfectly okay, normal rotations are 30 minutes each stand and you are usually up a total of 2-2.5 hours. But that day I kept getting rotated passed. I was on top of a slide dispatch that has three slides and right in the sun, they left me up there for 3 hours, I had sunscreen on at first, but it all burnt off and I got burned... Bad! I still had another hour up after I FINALLY was rotated... (Picture up in the right corner) It doesn't look that bad there but if you notice on my left shoulder I got blisters, they were HUGE the next day. I finally (after my burns were healed) Got the chance to be able to be a deep guard! Great feeling, everything goes perfect and you get to chill with the Supervisors and the EMTs :) Although I still Always get rotated late when I have an AM shift, you are suppose to get off at 3:30 but I never do... It's always 4 or 4:30 by the time I am rotated, no matter where I am. But, my time has come and I must now drive fast out to Kearns for Water Polo. So if you happen to have read my long story, thank you and hopefully you read more of my stuff when I start to get posting! :)
It's time
I have recently decided it is about time that I start my own blog, not for photography, not for a paperclip, and not for anyone else. For me! :) Let's see how well this goes, maybe if I still post by the end of the summer I will keep it, I am not sure.
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